
Created by Richard 12 years ago
We lived together in a flat in Petrovice until 1997. Petra was studying Vietnamese and English at the Charles University until she graduated in 1996. She then taught English for a year mainly at the Energy Company, CEZ. In 1994, we got married in Leeds at the university chapel. Our friend Jenny chauffered us in her convertible Renault and we goty cheered by all the cricket fans in Headingley as we drove to the Original Oak. We were married by Father Hilary, the Anglican Chaplain from Prague. Knowing we were poor as church mice he invited us to spend our honeymoon in his priory in Durham. We spent four wonderful days there with Hilary and his brothers. Obviously, we had to push the two single beds together! At the beginning of 1995, Petra went with her three fellow students to spend six months in Vietnam, leaving me to fend for myself in Prague. Very soon the four girls had become a nuclear family. Bohdala was Tata, Petra was Mama and Jana and Eva were the children. They had a great time studying the language and culture and exploring all that the country had to offer. Petra wrote home every day telling me about all the adventures she had been having. Petra and I had a wonderful time living in Prague in our little flat. We had a wide circle of friends who gave us loads of fun: Helena and Libor, Pavlina, Lada, Helena P, James and Daniel, Marcela and Marco, Misa and Tomasek, Martin, Dan, Lada and Tibor (the boys from Flying Elephant)and, of course, our lovely friend Chris, who Petra tried to teach Czech but I just thought it was an excuse to go out to lunch. Petra and I knew how lucky we were to be young and in love and living full and exciting lives in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.